51 schools in Kampala that are not receiving PLE Pass slips have been handed over by the executive director of Kampala Dorothy Kisaka

Dorothy Kisaka praised “UNBE for expediting the issuance of the PLE pass slips as they have been concerned about the pass slips,and asked school authorities to provide them to students so that they can register for the UCE exams

He gave 51 schools that did not receive PLE pass slips in 2019 with 3,900 students crying for missing pass slips and this caused panic among school head teacher where students sat questions as parents lost their children’s pass slips.

Juliet Nambi Namuddu, the head of education in the Kampala Capital City Authority, said 409 schools are conducting the PLE final examinations while 51 schools are not receiving pass slips.

He said there are 30,000 students sitting the exams in 2019 but we in the education authorities in Kampala are happy that UNBE is using the speed to issue another pass slips.

Greenhill Academy Primary School KIBULI Whalice Ekiri Principal Whalice Ekiri said they were on the lookout for parents who wanted to lock them up for not showing their children’s pass slips.

He said that students have also been asking for pass slips to register for the exams but now the boxes are gone and students will be given pass slips to register for the exams

by mugula Dan


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