As UCE Exams Commence, 56 % Examination Centers Haven’t Summited in their Continuous Assessment Scores to UNEB

George Bukenya

Although schools are required to submit continuous assessment (CA) scores to UNEB as part of the final candidates’ marks for then New Lower Secondary Curriculum, only 56% have completed the exercise. The Uganda National Examination Board Executive Directir Dan N.Odongo attributed the delay to lack of training to the significant number of enabler in such schools.

He said that in many districts training to equip the teachers with skills of doing the exercise delayed and this explains why a significant number of centers are yet to submit in their results after getting proper training on how to handle the exercise.

However, Odongo said that the deadline for submitting the CA scores for UCE and project achievement for the New Lower Secondary Curriculum is October 30th,2024, he warned the head of UCE Centers to adhere to the directive and honor the deadline for better management of the final results.

“ It’s important to note that candidates without project work and continuous assessment (CA) scores in any of the subjects offered shall not be graded.’’ Odongo stated.

He called on parents and candidates to take keen interest and confirm with their respective schools that the CA scores have been submitted to UNEB on time.

The time for the new curriculum has a total of only 36 subjects compared to the 46 of the old one because the focus was put on the End of Cycle assessment conducted by UNEB, which will contribute 80% of the overall achievement by each learner.

Meanwhile the UNEB’s boss also announced that a total of one million, three hundred and twenty thousand, four hundred (1320, 400) candidates registered for the four Examination diets in 2024.

This indicates an increase of 7.8% from last year’s candidature of 1,224,371. of this year’s total candidature, 51.1% are females while 48.9% are males.

Those who registered to sit for PLE this year are 798,763 showing an increment of 6.6% from 749,371 in 2023, UCE total candidates are 379,620 compared to 364,421(4.1%increment) while UACE are 142,017 compared to 110,579 of last year and this indicated a 7.8% increment.

While addressing reporters at the State Media Centre in Kampala, UNEB Executive Director Dan N.Odongo revealed that eleven local languages will be assessed including Uganda Sign Language.

The other languages included in addition to Luganda which has been on syllabus for many years, are Lusoga, Runyoro/Rutoro, Runyankore/Rukiga, Lumasaba, Ateso, Lugbra Ti, Leb Lango, Leb Acholi, and Dhopadhola.

Odongo also said that the Board will assess learners’ achievements in listening and speaking for two foreign languages, Latin and Arabic which were previously examined by only pen and paper. A total of 4,490 were registered for the foreign languages including; French (1335), Arabic (1993), Latin (627), German (209) and Chinese (326). 

Uganda Sign Language (U.S.L) and Physical Education(PE) are the new subjects introduced and the former has 72 pioneer candidates while the latter has 15,000 registered in 1341 centers.

The director changed his earlier stance where he had banned bodaboda means of transport on moving examinations saying that there are a few exceptions where they will be allowed especially in the had to reach areas where vehicles can’t reach and only bodaboda is the only quick option of transporting exams to and from the centers.

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