Gen Mugisha Muntu has condemned the army for becoming involved in politics and declaring sidekicks in the service of the country.

General Mugisha muntu

Muntu said the army has also started playing the game Museveni used in politics and they have come out in the daytime accusing the NUP of stealing people and torturing them while the army is in the middle of Eric Mwesigwa’s game.

General Muntu said no opposition party is allowed to have “Drones “that kidnap and torture people like the army and police without knowing the vehicles.

Muntu said President Museveni’s government has vehicles that steal people, and places where people are tortured and therefore trust Eric’s claims that NUP stole him and burnt his passport are not true.

Someone who wants the army to use the young Mwesigwa Eric and spoke lies to the country when the parents of kidnapped children are poor and others get sick and die.

General Mugisha Muntu’s comments came after Mwesigwa Eric yesterday went to the headquarters of Majje Embuya to complain that the National Unity Platform ( NUP) kidnapped him and put him in a drone and took him away and tortured him

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