The Kasangati Police Department responded to an emergency call which led to the rescue of a newborn baby from a pit latrine

allegedly , a resident of Kabaga Kayanga Kasangati town council, Bulyaba Belinda, saw blood stains in the room of her employee, Namulemba Winnie, a shop assistant. When asked about the stains, Namulemba remained silent, prompting Belinda to take her to Jojo’s hospital. There Winnie said the child accidentally fell into the pit latrine after pumping.

When Belinda came home, she heard the baby crying in the latrine as I tried to clean it. She reported the matter to the Kiteezi Police Station, which led to the arrest of Namulemba Winnie who was detained at the Kitezi Police Station on charges of attempted murder.

Police along with the Fire and Rescue Service rushed to the scene and rescued the girl alive from the pit latrine. The child was taken to Hands of Love Medical Center for treatment.

Police spokesman Luke Owoyesigyire said police have taken statements from witnesses and opened an investigation into the attempted murder of the child by his mother Winnie Namulemba. We want to assure people that we take this matter very seriously, and justice will be served to the rescued child. This incident highlights the need for parents and guardians to ensure that their children maintain safety at all times.

We would like to thank the Fire and Rescue Department for their quick response to the deceased and we would also like to thank Bulyaba Belinda for reporting the matter to the police immediately.

by Dan mugula

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